
Assetera GmbH

Line of business: Provision of Investment Services
VAT ID no.: ATU72219226
Company register number: FN 448308 b
LEI: 9845003B41E6EE52D186
Commercial Register: Commercial Court Vienna
Registered office: 1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstrasse 13/7, Austria
T: +43 664 88655370
E: [email protected]
Managing Directors: Mag.Thomas Labenbacher, Roland Gollenbeck
Chamber membership: Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, Professional Association of Financial Service Providers
Applicable law: Securities Supervision Act 2018 (WAG 2018) as amended, Financial Market Money Laundering Act (FM-GwG) as amended –
Supervisory Authority: Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA)
Investor Compensation Scheme: Anlegerentschädigung von Wertpapierfirmen GmbH (
Competent Arbitration body: We submit to an alternative dispute resolution procedure with the Internet Ombudsman Alternative Dispute Resolution Service ( for consumers. Consumers have the option to submit complaints to the EU online dispute resolution platform: You can also send any complaints to the e-mail address given above. In the case of complaints about investment services, it is possible to contact the ombudsman's office of the Professional Association of Financial Service Providers of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) at [email protected].

Assetera Digital Assets GmbH

Line of business: Virtual Asset Service Provider
VAT ID no.: ATU77658045
Company register number: FN 567044 p
Commercial Register: Commercial Court Vienna
Registered office: 1010 Vienna, Rotenturmstrasse 13/7, Austria
T: +43 664 88655370
E[email protected]
Managing Directors: Mag.Thomas Labenbacher, Roland Gollenbeck
Applicable law: Financial Market Money Laundering Act (FM-GwG) as amended –
Supervisory Authority: Austrian Financial Market Authority (FMA)